Book a High-Ticket Offer Strategy Session Now!

Meet Lila Veronica

of Lila Gonzalez Consulting

I help Business Owners Create & Sell High-Value Offers to High-End Clients to Elevate their Revenue & Add More to their Clients’ lives. If you are looking to finally crack the code of High-Ticket Sales and grow your business to generate revenue quickly and maintain that every single month...

If you are looking to become profitable and land High-Ticket clients without feeling salesy...

I help you to:

  • Engineer a High-Value offer that can be sold more easily

  • Own your value by packaging & pricing your services for High-End Clients

  • Use A Proven System to sell High-Ticket Offers with integrity, honesty and compassion

  • Shortcut your revenue growth through consistently leveraging a High-Ticket system for your business

  • Increase your sales conversion rate, while working less
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When entrepreneurs step into their value and increase profits in their businesses, the entire world benefits from the positive changes that occur!

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Work With Lila


Lila veronica is smiling in front of a sign that says the business uplevel speaking program

The Business Uplevel Speaking Program

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Lila veronica is sitting on a couch next to a sign that says elevate your sales

Elevate Your Sales in 90 Days!

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Lila veronica is sitting on a couch next to a sign that says elevate your sales

Elevate Your Sales in 90 Days w/ 90 days of Support

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Lila veronica is sitting on a couch next to a sign that says elevate your sales

Elevate Your Sales in 90 Days w/ 90 days of Support + Payment Plan

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What They're Sharing


Alex Houser

I'm making more than I ever made in my entire life and can contribute in ways I never could before. My whole appearance has even changed.

Alex Houser

Co-Host of The Innerbloom Podcast, EFT practitioner, Coach
Vanessa Raymond

I feel a lot more confident about my sales conversations. Lila knows her stuff!!! She is really good at what she does... and she is "direct yet gentle"

Vanessa Raymond

International Speaker, Coach & Author
Julia Phoenix

If you would have asked me a few months ago if it were possible for me to make that much money in a month, I would have rolled my eyes. I'm so grateful.

Julia Phoenix

CEO, Speaker and Founder of Julia's Inner Child Playground and Healing Community
Jessica Barry

Lila leads by example and creates the support to help me keep things simple. It's not some big crazy complicated thing.

Jessica Barry

Speaker, Mindset Mastery Coach, Yoga Teacher and Retreat Leader
Samantha Simpson

Now, I have a vision, I have hope and my plan is working!

Samantha Simpson

Body and Lifestyle Coach
Ambrosia Matthews

She has helped me see my value so I'm able to serve people in a higher way than I ever thought possible.

Ambrosia Matthews

Executive Officer
Anastasia Button

The first time I saw that much from two transactions in my business within one week it just blew my mind!

Anastasia Button

Speaker & Author of #NewJobNewLife
Nargiza Malagรณn

Just finished an amazing virtual private Bowspring session wit Lillian Veronica. Wow! My body feels incredible! Thank you thank you ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ

Nargiza Malagón

Phil Stone

Working with Lila has been a Game- Changer for me! I have been a therapist for almost 20 years and she helped me to make the transition to Life Coach and help to grow my business and have the confidence to secure an amazing Director's Level Position in a new Healthcare facility. Lila has even coached me on finding a new home that feels right for me and that is a warm environment for me and my kids. She has skillfully helped me to navigate some difficult times through my recent divorce and to deepen and strengthen my relationships. She has helped me find my voice through a host of singing affirmations and taught me a new power gorilla stance that I use all the time.

Phil Stone

Director of Outpatient Services, Life Coach, Keynote Concert, Speaker
Robert Raymond

Lila Veronica is an outstanding speaker and does great things speaking at our events and conferences. I love her approach and she gains the audience's attention at a very. high level. I have her speak at our events on a regular basis.

Robert Raymond

CEO, Achieve Systems Wellness Industry Business Building Community

Just sold my first 6 month program! I felt much more comfortable on the call today, and was able to tweak some things in the program that made sense for her and made her happy, I am so excited to get started!



I JUST CONVERTED MY FIRST CLIENT!!!!!! OMG! And they're paying up front... BOOM! There's a quick



Listen to What They’re Saying

Video Review


30 Jan, 2024
From the English dictionary: Worth: the level at which someone or something deserves to be valued or rated Don’t we deserve everything? Anything? We’re all deserving and yet there’s this word, “value,” that I want to bring to you today in terms of owning your worth. I have a mentor, Dr. John DeMartini, who says, “when you live according to your highest values, you become inspired to awaken your genius.” Here’s how you find out what you value: TIME! Your time = Your values Look at what you’re spending your time on. Your time is directly related to what you value in your life.
30 Jan, 2024
Have you ever thought to yourself, “I wish I could consistently make $10,000 or more per month”? With everything going on in the world, you may be thinking this even more at this moment. Most people never reach consistent cash flow of $10k+ per month, or even once in their entire lifetime. Ten thousand dollars per month for most American families would make a MASSIVE difference in their lives. It may mean a new home in a safer area, having cars that are reliable to travel in, or a college fund for their child. This level of income means families can travel more, pay for medical bills with ease and help support their families. One of my FAVORITE things about helping people create $10k+ per month consistently in their businesses is they feel more free to share. Generous business owners are prosperous business owners. The more money you make and the more money you give, the more money you make, and the more money you have to give...and so on. Many find it to be difficult to reach this level of revenue consistently over time; however, most businesses, probably like yours, would GREATLY benefit from consistent cash flow months of $10,000 or more! I could show you dozens or maybe even hundreds of strategies to create this kind of cash flow. But I won’t. I will only show you one way to create $10k+ months. If you are already doing this strategy, let’s chat. If not, do this strategy first, master it, then move onto a different strategy. As I look back on the last five years of my business, if I were to do one thing differently, it would be: take this advice I am about to give you and run with it! What if I showed you just how easy it can be? And you don’t have to “create” anything new or “do” anything different!
Heal Past Traumas for Business Growth | Lila Veronica
30 Jan, 2024
Discover how connecting with your fascia can heal past traumas and unlock prosperity in your life and business with Lila Veronica's transformative insights.
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My Track Record

International Speaker, Author, Confidence & Success Coach, Vanessa Raymond - Doubled her income within 90 days

Anastasia Button, Speaker & Author of #NewJobNewLife - saw $24,000 in her bank account from two transactions in her business within one week

Leadership & Liberation Mentor Innovator of the Rapid Shift Integration Method™, Julia Phoenix – Had her 1st $10k+ month and 6-figure year in her business

Speaker, Author, Business Technology Coach, Craig Tomanini - Learned a beer strategy to develop his coaching programs and how to effectively sell them

EFT Practitioner, Coach & Co-Host of the Innerbloom podcast, Alexa Jadd (formerly Houser) - Is making more than she ever has in her life

Director of Outpatient Services, Life Coach & Keynote Concert Speaker, Phil Stone – Made the transition to Life Coach and grew his business

Elevate Your Business with Our Exclusive Coaching Services - Act Now!

Scale Your Revenue | Elevate Your Global Impact with One Powerful Speech | Easily Convert Ideal Clients

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