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3 Steps of Manifestation to Get Faster Results NOW!

January 30, 2024

Does manifesting seem hard sometimes? Does it seem like some people can manifest much easier than you?

There are actually three steps to manifestation and many people don’t know this! To manifest anything you want, you must follow 1.) the Law of Attraction, 2.) the Law of Deliberate Creation, and 3.) the Law of Allowing. Most people have heard of the first step, the Law of Attraction and many people are working on shifting themselves to be a vibrational match to want they want. However, most people are not considering the second and third steps and wonder why they don’t get what they want!

Here is the brief description of each step of manifestation and how you can incorporate each law into your life and business so you can attract and work with more clients, massively increase your income and create powerfully aligned relationships in your life. This is how you deliberately create your life!

Step #1: The Law of Attraction

The first step is Law of Attraction, as taught by Abraham Hicks. The Law of Attraction, simply stated is whatever you think about, you bring about. Everything in your current world you created through your thoughts. And when you want something, your thoughts are the initiator of what you want becoming reality. Also, thoughts and emotions are directly related. When the thoughts are in alignment with what we want, we feel good. When thoughts are not in alignment with what we want, we feel bad. Emotions are the guidance system to show whether the thoughts are helping you manifest what you want or not.

Basically, the Law of Attraction tells us that if you feel good, keep thinking thoughts like that. And if you feel bad, change your thoughts to something else until you start feeling better.

When I first learned that my thoughts created my reality and I could have anything I wanted for my future, I wanted to learn how to do it. I listened to hundreds of hours of Abraham Hicks on YouTube. Then, in my car, I chose to only listen to the Abraham Hicks manifestation recordings for an entire year. That is the same year I hit six figures in my business for the first time! It really works.

If you've never felt like you’ve had much money, it may take some time to shift your thoughts around money. Remember, it doesn't have to happen overnight. If you have felt like you haven’t had enough (sometimes called a “lack” or “poverty” mindset) for any period of time, something may have happened to you in the past around money. Money may have been used against you or you may have had it then lost it or never had it at all.

Wherever you are with money, be gentle with yourself as you go through this process. Start to shift your thoughts toward feeling like you always have enough (sometimes called an “abundance” mindset) and notice how you feel. Find the thoughts that help you feel a little bit better until you feel it as your new truth.

No matter what, it’s important to keep doing this work. Keep asking yourself: What are my money stories? Where do I want to go? What's the lifestyle that I want?

Don’t just think about changing your thoughts, you must PRACTICE! Take action to speak different words than you ever have before. Here are some examples:

“Money is always coming to me from known and unknown places.”

“I can have whatever I want.”

“There is always more.”

Once you start to practice new thoughts, I guarantee more money will flow your way. Simply because you chose to elevate your awareness - where your attention goes, energy will flow.

Step #2: Law of Deliberate Creation

Step two of manifestation is where you’re taking deliberate action to manifest what you want. I encourage all my clients (and you!) to take action to bring in what you want in life. Here is one example: record yourself on your phone, computer or download the ThinkUp App. Speak positive thoughts (sometimes called “affirmations”) about money, love and yourself. Then listen to your voice speaking these positive words.

This is you taking action to listen to your own voice. You can even speak along with yourself. When you affirm the positive thoughts, you are telling yourself, “I am going to hear myself speaking a new story every day. I’m creating a new story about myself every day.”

More ways to take deliberate action are to:

  • Be aware of and write down money numbers now and future money goals, even if it's uncomfortable.
  • Realize and catch yourself when you go into “not enough” thoughts and replace those thoughts with positive affirmations.
  • Speak up and share what you want more often. When you tell other people who support you, you can have what you want faster.

Don’t hide your dreams. You deserve to have that which is rising from within you.

Remember, prosperity is not just about having money. It doesn’t matter what your number is in terms of how much money you want to make. All that matters is if you feel freedom to expand into whatever number is right for you. There is no right amount of money to reach. As long as you feel you are able to expand into the number you want, you are free to!

As you expand, you start to have more freedom to play with higher numbers as well! You notice where you have a limited belief about how much you can make and you will surpass that number and set a new goal.

The expansion can happen over an entire lifetime! Stay committed to taking deliberate action by setting higher goals, raising your prices, shifting your thoughts and sharing your dreams with others who share your vision with you.

Step #3: Law of Allowing

The third and final step of manifestation is the Law of Allowing. It is the hardest part, especially for women. In Marianne Williamson’s book, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles," she writes:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

“Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure,” is the part of this quote people most remember. It is true. Many people say they want more money, but they are scared of what that will be like. Most people say they want to feel energized and healthy but they are scared of feeling amazing. Most people say they want love, but they are scared of what will happen when they have it.

Allowing yourself to receive that which you thought about and took deliberate action on is the hardest part of manifestation. Receiving is the feminine aspect of manifestation. You simply get to let it all in. Can you feel how this is the hardest part? Receiving is the key to unlocking your greater potential for manifesting anything you want for your business and life.

This is hard for a lot of people, but it is particularly hard for women to receive. This is usually the missing piece of manifestation for most people. As Abraham Hicks tells us, when we ask, “it is given.”

It has been written and spoken for generations through many wisdom traditions:

“Ask and you shall receive.” ~ Matthew 7:7

“Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.” ~ Buddha

“Also call to mind when your Lord proclaimed: 'If you give thanks, I will certainly grant you more; but if you are ungrateful for My favors, My chastisement is terrible.’” ~ Quran 14:7

But most people aren't asking for anything specific, and worse yet, they're not asking for anything at all!

When we talk to spirit/God/Universe or we think about money, often it's like, “I don't know what I want. I'd be okay to have just enough. I guess I want more. I’m fine doing whatever. Just give me something nice please. I don’t need too much. I'll be okay.”

For the purposes of manifesting how much money you want, this is like going online to shop, purchase something, they send you a box of whatever they want and not what you wanted and you are just okay with it.

Why is it that you are okay with not manifesting what you want when you wouldn’t be okay with not receiving what you ordered when shopping?

No matter where your money story is now, no matter what has happened in the past, no matter what income ceiling you've had, no matter if you have never allowed money in before, no matter if somebody told you money's too difficult and you'll never understand it — all of that is irrelevant.

All that matters are the thoughts and feelings you have right now. Can you feel gratitude for having more than enough right now? Can you believe that you deserve more and it is coming? Can you receive your own greatness? What part of manifestation feels the easiest and which part feels the most difficult for you?

👉 If you are ready to attract, create and receive your dreams & no longer settle for anything less than exactly what you want, schedule a complimentary Strategy Session at now!

January 30, 2024
From the English dictionary: Worth: the level at which someone or something deserves to be valued or rated Don’t we deserve everything? Anything? We’re all deserving and yet there’s this word, “value,” that I want to bring to you today in terms of owning your worth. I have a mentor, Dr. John DeMartini, who says, “when you live according to your highest values, you become inspired to awaken your genius.” Here’s how you find out what you value: TIME! Your time = Your values Look at what you’re spending your time on. Your time is directly related to what you value in your life.
January 30, 2024
Have you ever thought to yourself, “I wish I could consistently make $10,000 or more per month”? With everything going on in the world, you may be thinking this even more at this moment. Most people never reach consistent cash flow of $10k+ per month, or even once in their entire lifetime. Ten thousand dollars per month for most American families would make a MASSIVE difference in their lives. It may mean a new home in a safer area, having cars that are reliable to travel in, or a college fund for their child. This level of income means families can travel more, pay for medical bills with ease and help support their families. One of my FAVORITE things about helping people create $10k+ per month consistently in their businesses is they feel more free to share. Generous business owners are prosperous business owners. The more money you make and the more money you give, the more money you make, and the more money you have to give...and so on. Many find it to be difficult to reach this level of revenue consistently over time; however, most businesses, probably like yours, would GREATLY benefit from consistent cash flow months of $10,000 or more! I could show you dozens or maybe even hundreds of strategies to create this kind of cash flow. But I won’t. I will only show you one way to create $10k+ months. If you are already doing this strategy, let’s chat. If not, do this strategy first, master it, then move onto a different strategy. As I look back on the last five years of my business, if I were to do one thing differently, it would be: take this advice I am about to give you and run with it! What if I showed you just how easy it can be? And you don’t have to “create” anything new or “do” anything different!
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When was the last time you moved your body? Energy is in the body. We were made to move. And when we don’t move our bodies, the money flow becomes stagnant and cramped, much like our joints. Here’s the truth: Your body is directly related to your bank account. If somebody were to ask me, “What's the number one reason why your business has grown so fast?” I would tell them that it's the commitment to my body. Hands down. Moving the body, getting in the flow, taking care of the body are all part of being energetically and vibrationally alive. When we are vibrationally alive, we can increase our cash flow.  Ready to move both your body and your bank account? Here are the three ways to begin manifesting more cash on the fast track.
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Have you found yourself thinking, “I really wished I had the money to do that/buy that/go there!” over and over again about one thing? When you have more money, you can do greater things with that money. You can connect with more high-vibrational people, places and projects. Throughout the years, I have learned how to step out of a “scarcity mindset” whenever it tries to creep up on me and step into an “prosperity mindset.” I teach my client’s how to do this every day. You may not be my client, but I want you to know that it totally hurts me when I see people who have so much value but are suffering because they are not being paid what they are valued!!! It breaks my heart seeing people driving for ride app services, food delivery services and reluctantly working jobs they hate. I know how much it hurts that they are not expressing their art or growing their business the way they want to. It hurts because they're not honoring their own value in the world. When you do not own your value in the world, you will be in pain. Your body and energy will suffer. Start honoring your value in the world while stepping out of a scarcity mindset into prosperity mindset.

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